3 stripes out for Adidas
This case study focuses on the battle fought by Adidas to protect its mark in the form of three stripes, exploring the implications of the historical as well as more recent decisions of the court.
Plaintiff: Pfizer Products Inc
Defendant: Glenside Organics Limited
Case no.: O/049/04
Jurisdiction: United Kingdom
Industry: Pharmaceuticals
Decision date: 24 Feb, 2004
The opposition was based on a UK registration of VIAGRA in Class 1 and a Community Trade Mark registration of the same mark for a much broader specification, also in Class 1. Referring to this broader specification the Hearing Officer found identical or closely similar goods to be at issue. He therefore proceeded to a comparison of the marks. The opponents’ marks had a high degree of distinctiveness he found. The marks had some overall visual similarity, but "not to a particularly high degree". Aurally, however, they were similar; the position on conceptual similarity was "broadly neutral". Assessing the matter globally, and noting his own limited information on the relevant trade (agricultural fertilizers, chemicals etc), the Hearing Officer found a likelihood of confusion and the opposition succeeded accordingly.