Frequently asked questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about trademark registration.

Registration process

  • The registration process is simple and consists of three steps: verification, registration, filing.

    Start by submitting the name/logo in our free verification form. We will prepare a summary report within the next 24 hours. If your submission is trademarkable, you can continue in the process.

    In the next step, fill in owner & billing details, select classes of goods & services in which you would like to protect the name and complete the order.

    Once the order is submitted, our legal team will prepare a draft submission for your final approval. Once approved, we will file it on your behalf.

  • Firstly, our team evaluates the distinctiveness of a trademark. If the mark is not unique enough for a given category, it could be dismissed by the trademark office. If the mark meets this criterion, we check whether an identical trademark isn't registered already, which could be a reason for dismissal as well.

    Secondly, we look for similar filed/registered marks, since they could successfully oppose the application. If we identify such cases, we list them in the verification result, together with the overall risk assessment.

  • If you are a resident or citizen of a country, generally, you can file a trademark yourself. Otherwise, you will need a representative.

    Trademark attorneys do have much higher success rates. Statistics in the UK, which has the most convenient self-service process, show that self-filers have over 3x higher failure rates than specialized services.

  • You will receive a confirmation from the office upon filing.

  • Generally, we can file a trademark within one week of the order. The registration process may take over a year, depending on a particular country. However, your brand acquires some protection from the filing date.

  • In some countries, such as Switzerland or China, it is legally required.

  • Trademark examiners firstly evaluate the registrability of a trademark (i.e. distinctiveness and uniqueness). If the trademark is distinctive enough and no identical or similar trademarks have been registered, they will publish it for oppositions by 3rd parties. The trademark is registered if no opposition is received within a statutory period (1-3 months, depending on the jurisdiction).

  • In general terms, it is advisable to tie the trademark's ownership to an entity that will be using it in commerce. Most often this means applying for a trademark in the name of the business entity.