The cost of a trademark monitoring service depends on multiple factors, including:
- Type of subscription - monthly vs yearly.
- Frequency of reports - monthly, bi-weekly or weekly.
- Scope - a trademark monitoring service can monitor various channels, including trademark registers, business registers, social media, web domains and online marketplaces.
- The number of registers to cover.
- Human involvement - many services combine technology with a human expert who tailors the report for you.
- The provider's portfolio - If the provider has a more comprehensive offering and considers the monitoring service an add-on to their core proposal, this may influence the price.
- Takedown inclusion
- Some monitoring services also include options to deal with the infringement they uncover. This may be included in the initial price of the solution or available at an extra rate.
If you are considering signing up for a trademark monitoring service, you may want to check out our monitoring service page to find out more.