From Kimono, through #KimOhNo, to Skims: A branding nightmare for Kim Kardashian
#KimOhNo became a symbol of the backlash to Kim Kardashian’s attempt to register a trademark for her new line of shape wear, Kimono.
Plaintiff: Spotify AB
Defendant: U.S. Software Inc.
Case no.: 91243297
Jurisdiction: United States
Industry: Technology
Decision date: 10 Jan, 2022
Both Oppositions Sustained (on dilution by blurring ground only)
What are the most common reasons for receiving a trademark office action?
I want to register a JP trademark in one class; how much would that cost?
Is logo one class and the name another class when it comes to trademark registration?
Does a successful registration in one country influence my chances in another?
I want to register a Chinese trademark in one class; how much would that cost?
If I own a trademark in one country, doesn't it make it easier to get in in other countries?