Intel Corporation v. Kirpal Singh Sihra

Intel Corporation

Case details

Case no.: O/244/02

Jurisdiction: United Kingdom

Industry: Technology

Decision date: 17 Jun, 2002


Under Section 5(2)(b) the Hearing Officer determined that similar goods were at issue and that the respective marks INTEL and INTEL PLAY were very similar. The opponents were therefore successful on this ground unless the applicant restricted his specification to "Interlocking blocks being constructional toy puzzles". Insofar as the ground under Sections 5(3) and 5(4)(a) were concerned the Hearing Officer accepted that the opponents had a significant reputation in their core activity but there was little evidence presented to convince him that at the relevant date, the opponents reputation or goodwill extended into the non-electronic toys and games field. He thus found that the opponents failed on these grounds provided the application restricted his specification as suggested under Section 5(2)(b).

Comparison of Trademarks