When should I register my trademark?
Timing is everything, and this is especially true when it comes to trademark registration. Choosing to trademark your brand at the right time is much more important than you would think.
Plaintiff: Apple Inc.
Defendant: Charles Bertini
Case no.: 91229891
Jurisdiction: United States
Industry: Technology
Decision date: 01 Mar, 2019
Subject matter: Likelihood of confusion
Summary Judgment granted in part (as to likelihood of confusion), denied in part (as to priority)
How do I ensure that my logo is suitable for trademark registration?
What is the difference between a word and a figurative mark?
Which type of a trademark is best suited for my needs - name or logo?
Which option is most suited for my online business - word or logo trademark?
How long will it take to get the registration number for a trademark?
Can I file a trademark application if I'm not currently selling any products?
What is the difference between a trademark and a service mark?