Trademark registration in Argentina

Simple, fast & affordable trademark registration.

Ice cream with the flag of Argentina

0trademarks registered by Trama

Trademark protection wherever you need it

Business ambitions often go beyond Argentina and global trademark one-stop-shop Trama is here to support you along the way. For a personalised offer outside of the selected countries, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

  • Flag of Australia
  • Flag of the United States of America
  • Flag of Argentina
  • Flag of Brazil
  • Flag of Mexico
  • Flag of Peru
  • Flag of the European Union
  • Flag of the United Kingdom
  • Flag of Spain

How it works?

  • Trademark verification
    24 hours

    Free lawyer's check

    In order to be registered, a trademark needs to meet the distinctiveness criterion. Result and recommendation within 24 hours.

  • Filling the registration
    3-5 days

    Application drafting

    After you complete the order, we will prepare an application draft. Once approved, we will file it on your behalf, providing legal representation.

  • Assessment by the trademark office
    16-18 months

    AR IPO examination

    Application is assessed by the corresponding Intellectual Property Office (AR IPO), published for potential oppositions and approved.

  • Trademark certificate
    Registration completed

    10 year validity

    Following a successful registration, the Office enters your trademark into the official register and issues a trademark certificate.

What is in it for me?

See what we do differently than the rest of the industry.

Industry average

Initial risk assessment

Paid search (~ $150)

Free lawyer's check in 24 hours

Scope of services provided

Registration only

Registration, Litigation support, Monitoring


1-2 countries only


Registration process

Lengthy and often unclear

Simple online 3-step process

Application success rate



Pricing structure

Unclear with hidden fees

Transparent, including all fees

Access to Amazon Brand Registry


1-2 weeks

Extra scoop

Peace of mind based on Trama's record of 23201 satisfied clients

Industry average

Initial risk assessment

Scope of services provided


1-2 countries only

Registration process

Lengthy and often unclear

Application success rate


Pricing structure

Unclear with hidden fees

Access to Amazon Brand Registry


Extra scoop

Peace of mind based on Trama's record of 23201 satisfied clients

Why register a trademark

  • Flower

    Business excellence

    20-30% of companies' value is derived specifically from the brand itself. Customers, supply chain partners and investors all value trademark protection.

  • Umbrella

    Uninterrupted brand growth

    85% of large companies have experienced brand infringement last year. Trademark registration offers effective means for protecting this #1 asset.

What our clients say?

Don't let your dreams melt away

Ice cream melt
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