How to choose a strong trademark for your business?

A strong trademark is more than just a flashy name or a logo; it is a cornerstone of your brand identity and a powerful tool in your business strategy. Investing the time and resources to create a strong trademark means enjoying the rewards of a distinctive and protected brand down the road.


Igor Demcak

What is a Strong Trademark?

A trademark serves as an identifier, distinguishing your products or services from those of your competitors. This distinction is crucial in building a unique brand presence. It also acts as a source indicator, letting customers know the origin of the goods or services they purchase, which can significantly influence customer loyalty and trust. Creating a strong trademark means creating a potent marketing tool, making your brand more memorable and recognizable.

At its core, a trademark must be distinctive, setting itself apart from competitors to ensure it uniquely identifies your products or services. This distinctiveness naturally contributes to how memorable a brand name or logo is, as a mark that stands out is easier for consumers to remember and associate with your brand. 

Types of Trademarks to Avoid

  • Generic Marks: These marks merely name a product or service without distinguishing its source. For example, using the term "computer" for a computer store provides no unique identity and is not protectable. Generic marks are too common and fail to indicate the origin of goods or services, making them ineligible for trademark protection.

  • Descriptive Marks: These marks describe some aspect, quality, or characteristic of the goods or services. An example is "Quick Print" for a printing service, which describes the nature of the service but needs to establish a unique identity over time. Descriptive marks are initially weak and difficult to protect unless they acquire secondary meaning, where the public associates the term with a specific source.

Types of Trademarks Considered Distinctive

  • Suggestive Marks: These marks hint at some quality or characteristic of the goods or services, requiring a degree of imagination to connect the mark to the product. "Netflix," suggesting a connection to internet and movies, is an example of a suggestive mark. These marks are inherently protectable due to their distinctiveness.

  • Arbitrary Marks: These marks use common words in a context unrelated to their usual meaning, such as "Apple" for computers. Arbitrary marks are highly protectable because of their uniqueness and distinctiveness. They do not describe the product or service, making them strong candidates for trademark protection.

  • Fanciful Marks: These marks are invented words with no meaning other than as a trademark, like "Kodak" or "Xerox." Fanciful marks offer the highest level of protection due to their originality and distinctiveness. They are created specifically to serve as trademarks, making them highly effective in distinguishing your brand.


Choosing a strong trademark is a strategic and multifaceted process that requires creativity, research, and legal considerations. A well-chosen trademark not only protects your brand but also greatly enhances its market presence. By understanding the characteristics of a strong trademark and navigating the selection process with diligence you can develop a robust trademark that serves as a valuable asset to your business.

The best way to confirm that your trademark is truly unique and eligible for registration is by conducting a thorough trademark search. This search will help identify any existing marks that are similar, reducing the risk of potential conflicts and legal disputes. At Trama, we offer a valuable solution by providing a free check for similar trademarks. With results available within just 24 hours, you can gain a clear understanding of your mark’s uniqueness before proceeding with the registration process. This proactive step not only gives you peace of mind but also ensures that you are investing in a trademark that will effectively support and protect your brand.

Igor Demcak
Igor Demcak

Trademark Attorney

Founder of Trama

7 year experience in IP protection

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